Mindful Therapy & Wellness
Jacqui Boles, LMFT, ATR, BC-TMH
Sexual Health
The topic most of us received little to no information about! Every one of us is a sexual being with needs, desires and fantasies. As it turns out, most of these are more common than you would believe based on the narratives around sex in our American culture. Consider this a safe space to geek out about sex and explore your questions, thoughts and feelings around your own sexuality. The hope being that these conversations continue to nurture a greater acceptance and love of yourself.
Young Adults & Everyone Else Trying to Adult
Life continues to move faster and faster, and finding the balance between work, family, romance, socializing and caring for yourself can be increasingly challenging. Whether you are questioning gender roles, sexuality, life transition, loss, illness or even answering questions about the past, having a safe space to explore your thoughts, feelings, fears can bring new awareness to any situation.
Couples, Throuples and Everyone in Between
Learning and understanding how your partner, or partners, think, feel and act can make all the difference in loving relationships. Effectively communicating wants, needs and boundaries is that key piece of info none of us learned but desperately need to maintain any healthy relationship. Support in translating your partner's love language into a language that makes sense to you can help you grow in love and understanding of one another.
LGBTQIA+ Support
Gender identity and sexual orientation are terms that are often misunderstood and misused that involve a broad range of physical, emotional, social and developmental challenges many face today. As a member of the alphabet mafia and an ally, Jacqui continues to work to understand her own sexuality and gender expression while providing a safe, non-judgmental space for others to do the same.
New! Peer support group for mid career female identifying therapists in private practice. Click the link for more info! Join us!
Mindful Therapy & Wellness is proud to serve any religious background, gender, race, ethinicity and sexual orientation.
Need to explore topics that make everyone uncomfortable? Lets talk!
Cancer & Chronic Illness
It can be jarring to hear the words "You have _____". In addition to assessing the right course of medical treatment you are often left with changing your lifestyle, work hours or occupation, hobbies and sometimes relationships. It is important to validate and acknowledge the losses in this process as well as celebrate the victories. To name the fears around your functioning and death. Again, in a culture that rarely speaks about any of this, it would be an honor to hold space for these conversations and share any information and resources to make the journey somewhat lighter.
Art Therapy
Whether you consider yourself skillful in art making or not, using art in therapy can decrease the anxiety of sharing your story by providing a creative way to share your thoughts and feelings with a lot less direct eye contact! By using any art media you may wish to experiment with, we create an atmosphere for exploring yourself without judgement or expectation. Using guided imagery, we can tap into your imagination and the body's relaxation response while stimulating interesting new thoughts to explore in session.
Video Counseling
As a Board Certified Tele-Mental Health provider, Jacqui utilizes HIPAA compliant video/audio services. Whether you have difficulty leaving the house due to a disability, illness, a phobia or a tight schedule, video sessions can be used to provide the compassion and support of a therapist in the comfort of your home or office.
Scheduled sessions are typically 1 hour for individual session $175, 90 minutes for couples, throuples + sessions $225
Forms of payment accepted include cash, credit, debit or Health Savings Accounts.
As an Out-of-network provider, insurance is not currently accepted. Documentation can be provided to your insurance carrier for reimbursement of services provided.